Nhat Tin Logistics

Nhat Tin Investment Trading Development Joint Stock Company (Nhat Tin Logistics) is a leading enterprise in the field of Express Delivery in Vietnam.

Currently, Nhat Tin Logistics has covered all 63 provinces and cities and is constantly evolving year by year in expanding the branches, post offices, delivery points and developing warehouses in Vietnam.


Serving employees and customers

Especially in the field of Logistics, with more than 350 post offices, transaction points spread in 63 provinces and cities, more than 36,000 partners, solving jobs for more than 2,500 employees, Nhat Tin has a great demand for communication processes. Therefore, they want an information communication platform which ensures transparency.

Concerns about information management and internal communication

As a well-known logistics enterprise, Nhat Tin often transfers and stores a lot of important information such as employee records, customer information, Invoices, business plans, programs and other information that need to be highly confidential when interacted via Email. Meanwhile, email attacks are still a big concern of every business today. Therefore, it is essential for Nhat Tin to have a secure email system.

Businesses need to equip themselves with a team that can set up, implement and manage this email system in an effective way. Moreover, this team must always be available and timely support when businesses need help and solve common problems.

Nhat Tin desires to reduce the growing security threats - malicious software that hackers hide in inbound emails to steal personal information of employees or partners (passwords, important financial figures). The business explained: “We need an email system that is both secure and management combined with analytics tools, to manage information and internal communication of the business.”


Nhat Tin desires to reduce the growing security threats - malicious software that hackers lurking in the email sent to steal the personal information of employees or partners (passwords, important financial figures). VNETWORK provides solutions which meet the demand of businesses, including the inbound Email management system (ReceiveGuard), the outbound Email management system (SendGuard) and secure email system (SpamGuard). VNETWORK is willing to support Nhat Tin anytime.


Build and customize rules for Spam filters. Spam filtering based on Machine Learning data.


Check attachments and URLs, validate sender addresses and domains, track outgoing Email routing,... all over the Virtual Area.


Protect Email servers against intrusion and attack threats. Control and recall Sent Email.

Secu E CLOUD system with successful artificial intelligence application is an outstanding Email security solution that VNETWORK has provided to Nhat Tin, which is the striking point of the system to implement security features. By using SECU E CLOUD, users will be alerted when they receive any suspicious emails from headers, IPs, attachments and all URLs in Email. The system will block emails containing viruses and block fraud emails before reaching users. In order to give better support to Nhat Tin in handling work, the system has the feature of setting a password for outbound emails, recalling emails and allowing attachment up to 10 GB. The system will send a report to the user about the entire process of sending and receiving emails on a regular basis, including spam emails that have been blocked.

Quy trình email bảo mật thế hệ mới

Quy trình email bảo mật thế hệ mới


Indeed, SECU E CLOUD has done a great job in its role in protecting emails for Nhat Tin. Since using this system, employees in the business are no longer bothered by spam mails, which has saved a lot of time in handling work. Furthermore, the data is effectively secured, bringing peace of mind to employees inside and outside Nhat Tin.

The following statistics were recorded after Nhat Tin used VNETWORK's secure Email system:




Since using SECU E CLOUD, Nhat Tin's email system has always been stable 24/7 and has never recorded any serious problems. The report responds quickly and smoothly, the statistics over time will help optimize the costs of business activities, thereby getting more profits.

Statistics show that although the number of Emails expands even more, the SECU E CLOUD system can still handle the huge amount of data that has to be processed by Virtual Area and Machine Learning technology.

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